Get in touch
T: 07708 662621

There are a variety of options available to help you with your training journey from 121 home visits to telephone or video consultations.  Please see below for options.

The typical exercises covered are responses to visual and verbal cues for sit, down, stand, wait/stay, loose lead walking and starting recall training.  I also cover things like impulse control and how to implement enrichment activities that are both human and canine led.  Calm acceptance of handling and grooming is also discussed and practised for those that need it and a variety of puppy issues such as mouthing, jumping up, housetraining and learning to settle are also talked through. 

I can tailor your training sessions to the specific areas you need help with and if your preference is to use a clicker for training or you would like to add in teaching some tricks then this can also be accommodated!  I like working with families that have youngsters keen to get involved and would be happy to guide them in training, games and appropriate interactions to build confidence and a strong bond.

121 Training

Options available for 121 training help are:

  • 1 x 1.5hr training session covering one or two training issues to give you background info and immediate help.   

  • 4 x 1hr training sessions over 4-6 weeks to help with a variety of basic training exercises and puppy or adolescent dog issues.

  • 1hr top up training sessions.  As required depending on your individual need following a course of 4 sessions.


All options are held at your home or on your local walks to target the training in a familiar environment. 

Follow up information is sent via email in the form of written summaries and supporting handouts and video clips can be sent or viewed for additional help.

I offer ongoing support via telephone or email for as long as you need during your dogs life.  Any top up training sessions will be discussed and booked in as necessary.


Prices are from £70 for a one off visit or £200 for a course of 4 visits. Top up training priced from £50. Travel fee charged for some locations at 45p/mile.

121 Video Consultation

If a home visit is not possible then 1hr video consultations are available.  During the pandemic this method of offering training became not only necessary but popular to help with those early puppy training issues!

Still available, I use Zoom, Teams or WhatsApp video calls to offer this form of training.  I use my own dogs as demo dogs and will guide you through training your pup. 

Follow up information is sent via email in the form of a written summary and supporting handouts and video clips can be sent or viewed  for additional help.


Price for a 1hr consult is £45.

Telephone Consultations

A 30min telephone consult is also an option if a home visit or video calls are not suitable. 

This service is designed for owners with existing training knowledge but wish to talk through 1 or 2 issues.

As with home visits or video calls, supporting handouts are sent as required and a brief summary of points discussed is emailed following the call.


The price for this service is £25.

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